
Monday, February 13, 2012

Post Grammy Rant

I'm all for freedom of expression. I love art, and singing. I love artistry. I however take offense when people think its artistic to spit in the face of an individual's religion.

Regardless if you are a Christian or not... you should respect other people's religion.

The night was going well. It was a little somber following the news of Whitney Houston's death, but it was still going well.

When they announced Nikki Minaj was coming to the stage I was excited to see what she was going to do. I didn't see the red carpet entrance so I was unaware of her guest dressed as the pope.

She comes to the stage and does something very similar to Sinead O'Connor. If you aren't aware of what that singer did, you can google it. She ripped a picture of the pope in half during a performance on SNL.

The part I find the most offensive, was the stripper looking girl rubbing up against an either newly made priest or alter boy. I'm not Catholic per say. I haven't been to mass in a very long time and identify myself as more Protestant now.

I didn't understand the point. It made no artistic sense. The moment she did it I was like, "Wow. Nothing can shock me enough to ignore her terrible singing." She sounded like a goat was dying in her throat and was trying to escape.

Moral of the story, respect people. This performance was an embarrassment to artists everywhere. Even Lady Gaga would have never crossed that line. Geesh. Pin It

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