
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I can't think of a good title...

So this little blurp is about the inability to turn on the creativity. It's about the inability to get anywhere with my book. Does anyone know what it feels like to edit out 100 pages from a book that you at once thought was going smashingly well? Well, if you don't, I will tell you it sucks! 

Last week I was rereading my yet to be titled book. It was the 100 millionth time doing so. I got to the same chapter I always do and thought, "Here comes the suck." I have been fighting removing those beautiful pages for over 2 months. Let me tell you. You may wonder why it has taken me this long... it's because a good well written page can take FOREVER to write. I may have very creative days where I hammer 20 pages out... but to be honest, I am lucky if I get 4 or 5. 

Start the sad music, enter the violins... I did it. I removed over 100 pages from my almost done book. It was sad... I cried. I did place it in a separate file hoping I could rework them and fit them in in some sort of way. Chances are I won't.

Current status of book... now 136 pages typed pages... unfinished... sad. =(
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  1. It's a teen fiction book. It's about a girl and her best friend. It's funny...

    1. It seems interesting! I would love to read it! :D

    2. Well when I finish it... you will! Hopefully. If it goes according to plan! =)
