
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fighting the Creative Killer

I have talked in a previous post about the annoying little thing called, writer's block. It is the most annoying aspect of writing a book. It comes and goes, causes self doubt, and throws the story for a loop. What is most frustrating about writer's block is looking at the screen and seeing that your story is going nowhere; that no matter how much you will it to happen... it isn't going to happen.

This week was a difficult one. I usually try to produce something everyday. Does it always happen? No. Life occurs and sometimes I don't even get to open my laptop. This wasn't the case this week. I made a conscious effort this week to sit down everyday and hammer out something. Day 1 went well, day 2 and 3 okay,  but day 4 sucked TERRIBLY. I couldn't do anything. I sat there thinking, "Is this where I want my story to go?"

Usually when I write, I don't force the story. It's like I am seeing this movie in my head and I write down everything I can; from the color of the leaves on the tree to the flush that is creeping up my heroine's neck. I try to detail everything that I can. If I can't, I try to recreate it somehow. For instance I had to explain the smell of a perfume. I went to a department store, and smelled it (and promptly got a headache--I am terribly allergic to most perfumes).

Nothing was coming to me on Day 4. I sat there staring at my screen willing my fingers to flex enough for me to produce 1 page. Usually events of the day trigger my writer's block. Earlier in the day, I started to doubt aspects of my story... and vocalized them. That was a BIG mistake. Usually it is good to talk through what you are feeling... it wasn't a good decision in this case. When I write I dive. I free-fall into the story and I don't look back. It isn't me creating the actions of the characters, the love interests, the clothing choices, or sayings--it's the character. I wish I could explain it better. It's like these people are alive in my head and it is my job to just... be the instrument.

Day 4 was the most frustrating day in my writing process. It will never happen again. Will writer's block occur? Probably. Will I vocalize my doubt? Never. I'm going to dive, free-fall, until the end.

Page progress this week 12. Pin It

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