
About Me

I'm a single mom on a budget! I would shop and find myself spending $2-300 each month on things I thought were a necessity. With the economy the way it is, I want to show you that you don't have to spend... to have. 

I'm also a writer currently working on my very first young adult fiction book. Expect to see blogs of my various writing rants. Am I a member of a writers club? That's easy, no! I find the clubs in my area full of writing snobs trying to be the next Hemingway. Maybe it was the ones I tried... 

I spent years telling myself that I was going to become something that I thought I had a passion for. After a Bachelors and a Masters degree I have found that it has prepared me to be in the place I am now. Ready and willing to accept what I feel I was always meant to be- a story teller, a creator, a crafter, a baker, and a mom. 

I just ask you to tune in, sign on, and come along for the ride! This should be a lot of fun!

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