
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Words Cut Deep

What you say, can be forgiven but not forgotten. Words cut deep. The wounds aren't physical. You can't slap a bandaid on them and heal them that way. Words are not silent. They seep into the minds of others and stay there.

Yesterday, I said something truly awful to someone I care about very very deeply. I can't take them back. I let my own fear and insecurities override what I new in my head to be right. I knew this person I care for would never hurt me, yet I lashed out. I deeply regret this. I wish I could rewind the day, take back or erase everything I said. But I can't.

There is a huge lesson to be learned here. Words hurt. They can be forgiven but only if the person you hurt is willing. I messed up, and I will have to live with that. The lesson? Be mindful of what you say, especially to someone you love. Pin It

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dare Time!

Today was the completion of the 2 part dare. My kid was forced to wear his hat sideways walking through the mall. It was so funny! I made him go into Forever 21, Hollister, Hot Topic, and a few other stores. He also had to walk through the entire mall that way. Then we went to Target, and he wore it then too. The video of the little adventure is coming up tonight.

It was fun. We might do more dare vids. If you have a dare and you want to challenge him... submit them here or on his facebook wall. Pin It

Saturday, March 17, 2012

To Buy or Not to Buy

So my kid and I went shopping. We definitely too the video camera along. It was super fun. We have a surprise coming up. It was funny.

Today's biggest question was, "to buy or not to buy?" I was torn. The heels are super fantastic. Being the shoe whore I am... 4" of raspberry beauty called to me... Watcha think? Pin It

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nerve Wracking!

Today I had an interview for an amazing job opportunity. Today I tried to prepare myself the best I could. Today, I absolutely flipped out.

Do you know how nerve wracking it is being on the telephone while the other person on the line is asking you questions and judging you. Well... it's enough to make you want to throw up.

I got asked everything under the sun. The interviewer was a wonderfully nice individual who tried desperately to make me feel comfortable. She succeeded. At the end of the conversation it was as if I had been chatting with a friend. I was praised. I was told I was wonderful and exceptional, and perfect for the position. I was also told I was impressive and smart.

Today was nerve wracking... but an amazing confidence booster. Sometimes people just need to hear good things.

Fingers crossed everyone. I hope I get it. =) Pin It

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cover Art

Know a cover art designer? Cartoonist? Have a knack for the arts? Well... I have a contest for you! I am looking for the designer of my book cover. It's gotta be awesome. It needs to feature 2 girls. My main character and her best friend, both 15 years old. My main character is very straight laced and her best friend is totally quirky. The look of the girls is open to interpretation. It needs to be fun and simple. The title will be worked in at a later date. Spread the word! Pin It

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Love and Hate Relationship

Today, my kiddo and I were totally excited to go out an shop. He wanted to look for beys... I needed new jeans. I go with him... he has to go with me. It seems like a sort of fair trade-off right? Well I get all gussied up. Take a gander at the hotness of that picture! I look fan-frikken-tastic. I put on my leather jacket, leggings, hot pink top and heels (shopping doesn't mean you have to look like crap-gives me an excuse to get gussied up). We are about to head out the door when... BOOM!

I totally love the rain. It is my absolute favorite weather. However, my hair, makeup, heels, and totally rockin leather jacket not so much. I love how rain gives you an excuse to lay around all day cuddled up in your blankets  and read. Today was a day that I didn't want to do that. I wanted to go out, vlog, shop, be a part of life.

So today was a double edge sword. I enjoyed the terribly loud thunderstorm but secretly was annoyed that all of that hotness was wasted on staying inside. Well... at least I got a cute picture out of it. Right? Pin It

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Super Saturday Shopping Craziness!

Today I went solo to the store. Something very unusual for me (like most moms lol). Wonder what I found??? NOTHING!!! They had nothing cool. No beys! Boo! But I did have a chance to take another cool pic of me about town! Pin It

Today's daily inspiration

Today's writing adventure was brought to you by the awesome playlist in my iPhone! A whopping 10 pages written while rocking out to the awesome tunes of Lady Antebellum, Otis Redding, 3Oh3!, M.I.A, and ROONEY! Plus so so much more! Tonight is a creative and productive night. Music is an AMAZING inspiration! 

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